Thursday, March 4, 2010

Homework Post 2

30 hrs. Total Completed 36 of 140

First of all pardon any typos as I´m now on a euro keyboard. Hoping to have my laptop set up this weekend.

Professor Hansen help!

Here´s what I´m up against...
My fiance is not only a passionate collector, he overlaps into the category of senitmental packrat... dare I say hoarder? I actually had to convince him to throw away a piece of candy that was stuck to the floor for god knows how long even though we have a giant jar full of the very same brand of candy.
So, I´m not only trying to weed his collection for Tom of Finland ephemera but also convince him to get rid of things so that there´s room for ME in my new home. I´ll admit he has some reallllly cool stuff having been a punk in the eighties and it´s been fun finding old things that fit me, like his leather jacket and certaint band shirts. I do fall more and more in love with him as I go through his things and hear his stories, we have so much in common. On the other hand, when we went through his band shirts he had to explain each and every one to me whether or not we were keeping it. This slows down the process a great deal but at the same time I love him and I know it is hard for him to let some of this stuff go so I guess I should really grant him that time. We found 3 of Toms tank tops in those drawers, which I placed in the "Tom Box".
The best part (which is by no means done) has been going through the Leather Closet! Sooooo much stuff. So far we´ve found one pair of very fine leather wrist cuffs that were Toms. I also learned today that the clothes washer I use was Toms... sounds funny but if we use a lot of this ephemera to recreate parts of his living space in a Helsinki museum then it could be quite valuable... but for now I need it! It´s really amazing to me to think that in Los Angeles I was sleeping in Tom´s bed and in Helsinki I´m using his washer and drinking out of his cups. Quite a lot of intimacy for a woman to have with a gay man who has passed away...

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